The Return of the King

Well this will likely be my last post before I head off and i've been pretty stressed the past couple of days so I figured I'd do some therapeutic writing.  So what will be the subject of my peaceful meditation?  END TIMES BABY!  Yeah.......I'm one of those guys who when things start to get too stressful I like to take a Bible, a notebook, a pen and an ipod and find my way into some deserted place and study escatology.

I mean, what else is a better message for the soul when things seem to be overwhelming than the reality that one day Jesus Himself will physically return to the planet, declare Himself King of the Earth in Jerusalem, extend His Empire over the face of the earth, establish peace and prosperity throughout the world and eventually usher in the total manifestation of Heaven on Earth.  I mean one second I'm having a bad week and the next I'm thinking about how awesome it will be when the children of men won't understand what the word "fear" means when they read about it in a book of antiquity because they will have descended from so many generations that have lived under the Dominion of Christ where crime was so entirely eradicated, where there hadn't been a war for at least 10 generations and where wild animals had even begun to lose their hostility towards people that they likely wouldn't understand the psychology of worrying about how the rent's gonna get paid or wondering if that relative would make it back safe from his overseas mission.  All they would know is ever-increasing peace and prosperity.

See here's the very good news about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.  One day, in the midst of a very mature and organized expression of wickedness, when evil has reached its crescendo on the earth, when it literally can't get any darker -- Jesus will appear manifestly in the sky.  1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 tells us that unlike the 1st Coming of Christ when Jesus came in a humble way only to be known by those to whom the Father had revealed, that when Jesus returns that He will be ushered in with the thundering shout of an archangel and one of the blistering trumpets of God.  Not only that but He will be shouting passionately from the sky and at the sound of His Voice all who died in Christ will be instantly ressurrected and they along with all those who are alive in Christ will be beemed up so to speak with Jesus in the air.  Just a side note, but most teaching about "the rapture" leaves people thinking that all the christians are going to disappear and we won't be able to figure out where they are but the Bible reveals that there will be a Rapture but it will be very easy to figure out where all the Christians went -- all you would have to do is just look up.  I mean think epic alien abduction on a massive global scale.

We see also find in Revelation 19 that Jesus isn't merely drawing up all the christians to Him simply for the purpose of making a spectacular display of His Glory in front of the reprobate army led by an antichrist and a false prophet but that He is actually gathering together His Army for His final battle.  And we see in Revelation 19:11-21 that Jesus and His Army of Saints ride together and that Justice and Vengeance are on His Heart.  Together with His Army He will capture the leaders of this reprobate force and imprison then in a place of eternal torment -- a punishment worthy of their crimes.  Then He will proceed to turn upon their army and will speak a Word and upon the completion of the final syllable, when the sound has been fully enunciated by His lips -- the entire army will fall down dead.  Like in the many epic battles of antiquity there will be a massive array of birds that will feed upon the corpses of what will likely have been the largest amount of soldiers the world has ever seen.

Following this, Jesus will set foot in Jerusalem and declare Himself to be the King of the Earth and will designate His Saints to govern the nations and cities of the world depending on how much He trusts them based on how faithful they've been in the past.  From there the world will be rebuilt and rewired under His Rule.  Every aspect of life from government, to education, to the arts, to technology, to the sciences, to athletics and so on will be led by the various saints that He thinks will be best fitted to lead in such a way that the glory of the Heavenly Realm manifests regularly in each arena.  This will go on for 1,000 years as Jesus is rebuilding and rewiring the planet for the unbroken and total manifestation of Heaven upon the Earth.  After one final brief test upon humanity
t, which was intended for Adam and Eve to complete in the Garden -- subduing the earth so the Father's Glory may openly rest upon all creation -- will have been completed and Heaven will once again find its perfect resting place on the earth in Christ and the Tabernacle of God will once again dwell among men.

I don't know about you, but that has a way of lifting the ole spirits.



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