The Lost Glory of the Earth


In the previous post I discussed Theistic Evolution and how I believe that someone who is persuaded that natural selection working on random mutations is an adequate explanation for the origin of plant and animal life can hold to that and still believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture because Genesis 1 could be read in a way that allows someone to see God using evolution as an intermediary means for the creation of living creatures.  I discussed as well that a theistic evolutionist would have to make a distinction regarding people and animals due to God embossing human beings with His image and in so doing making us forever different from animals¹.  This distinction is a necessary foundation for human rights and one that thankfully even atheistic evolutionists² seem to believe.

The reason I think it’s possible to see evolution in Genesis 1 revolves around the phrase that God uses a couple of times where He says “Let the Earth bring forth” referring to plants and the different forms of animal life.  I advised that this could be understood literally or figuratively and if understood literally it would seem to indicate that God was using the earth as an intermediate means for the creation of plants and animals.  This could be understood as God directing the changes in Earth’s climate and terrain to cause random mutations to benefit certain animals in such a way as to make the traits in those animals become prominent in that population resulting in the eventual change of that species.

Crabs are Different from Sponges and Octopuses have Eyes

I am obviously aware that there are many people in the world who believe that evolution is an adequate explanation for the origin of animal life and my statement above came from reading Scripture to see if it could be read in a way to accommodate that view of origins.  And like I said earlier I think that it can within some limits³.  But I say this more as a statement of possibility rather than from a place of conviction.  I am personally not persuaded that Darwin’s explanation of origins is a good one.  This largely revolves around the fossil record not showing gradual changes in animal forms like Darwin predicted.  The fossils instead show sudden appearances of animal forms with no explicable links to prior ancestors.  This is most pronounced in the comparison between the Pre-Cambrian and Cambrian layers with sponges and bacteria showing in the former followed immediately by skeletal crab-like creatures with digestive systems and eyes in the latter.  The genetic complexity to get from a sponge to a crab is mind-boggling and to say that it occurred just in a couple millions of years is so statistically improbable that anyone with unbiased mind would call it impossible.

In my mind the fossil record might be the only piece of objective data that we would have to confirm Darwinist theory and for that to provide a challenge for evolution is certainly a bad look.  Nonetheless many advocates of this theory have sought other means to offer arguments for evolution.  One such is path is through phylogeny.  Phylogeny is a way in which advocates of evolution will compare different animals with one another and through those comparisons attempt to derive a “tree of life” where the more complex animals with similar traits are derived from simpler animals with seemingly rudimentary forms of those traits.  The advent of a new trait represents a different branch on the proverbial tree and animals with those traits should share many characteristics with each other as a result of being a part of a shared evolutionary history.

On the surface this seems to make sense – who doesn’t see similarities in many animals?  For example, don’t most mammals have similar characteristics?  Many mammals have symmetrical body plans, digestive systems, mouths, limbs and eyes.  But when this is examined in detail issues with this concept start to emerge.  Take for example the octopus and the zebra.  An octopus is a cephalopod a zebra is a vertebrate, but both have eyes.  Most Darwinists believe that skeletal structure (or lack thereof) precedes the development of the eye in evolutionary history and as such the incredibly complex organ that is the eye would have to have evolved twice – both in vertebrates and cephalopods.  If evolutionary biologists were golfers they would call that a mulligan because the idea that something as intricate as the eye evolved in the first place is like saying that Facebook was formed from online viruses interacting with each other in an endless loop out in some undisclosed place in the dark web. In other words, it’s pretty ridiculous.  And to say it happened twice begins to approach being preposterous and absurd.  But this seems to be regular operating procedure when constructing a “tree of life” and rather than calling this a mulligan they would call the eye a “point of convergence”.  Evolutionary biologists use the word “Convergence” to describe unexpected similarities in animals that are otherwise different (for example the octopus and the zebra) and are anomalies in the model they are using to trace back common ancestry. And convergence seems to be the norm for any individual who attempts to construct a tree of life by using either similar body plans or similar genetic code as there are many examples of this in addition to the eye.

In my mind a better explanation for the eye would be that the same Being who made a world that was made up of space and filled with light, gave many creatures eyes so that they could exist in and interact with this world that He created (Psalm 94:9).  The fact that many animals, some of which are otherwise very different from one another, possess eyes means that they – and consequently people as well – were created to live in this place that He created.  But as I’ve said earlier this doesn’t necessarily mean that He couldn’t have used a material process as a means of accomplishing this.  And while I personally don’t think evolution is a good explanation for this, I think it is very possible that Scripture talks about the earth in ways that seem to present it as the “middle man” so to speak in the creation of plant and animal life.

The Earth's Former Glory

It is a very interesting thing to consider that if you take what God says literally on Days 3, 5 and 6 when He says “Let the earth bring forth” plants, sea creatures, reptiles, winged creatures and land animals then one could see the earth as a type of biological machine that God used to generate these types of creatures.  Obviously, my use of the word “machine” is symbolic language to describe something I have no way of understanding but nonetheless speculation abounds as to what this could mean.

If understood in the context of an old earth where one accepts the dates given by radiometric dating then one could see the command where God tells the earth to bring forth plants on Day 3 and animals on Days 5 and 6 as being fulfilled in the earth generating these creatures every couple million earth years.  In my mind this would better fit what we understand of the fossil record than Darwinian gradualism.

Obviously, this is a minimalist explanation in that it basically just takes the evidence from the fossil record – that animal forms arise abruptly with no apparent connection to prior ancestors – and just integrates it with Genesis 1.  It makes no attempt to explain the natural mechanics of how the earth did this and even doesn’t necessarily require that the earth in fact did it.  One could see God creating every animal in a direct supernatural way in segments of millions of earth years that parallels the fossil record as well.  It is more an understanding of the possible explanations of Scripture and then taking the evidence that we have from the fossil record and then logically reconciling them together.

But in the midst of this mystery, we see an interesting understanding of the earth that could see it as possessing incredible creative power in its past to the point that it was able to create plants and animals at the directives of God but that due to the sin of mankind has now become cursed (Genesis 3:17, Romans 8:20-21) and is currently a sorry shell of its former self.  The earth as it was very well could have brought about animals by piecing together their characteristics in a random way.  This is clearly speculation on my part, but this is based on the fact that Adam named the animals after the earth had brought them forth.  This would mean that God hadn’t named them.  In other words He didn’t say “Let tigers come forth” but rather had programmed the earth with the necessary characteristics to give animals traits that would allow them to interact with the world He created but that the earth itself produced all manners of animal forms that Adam later had to name (Genesis 2:19).

Their vs Its

An even more in depth look at this would involve God telling the earth to create certain “kinds” of animals.  Let the earth bring forth animals after their kind (Genesis 1:24).  The footnote in my Bible says that the word “their” for “their kind” is literally “its” for “its kind” but I suppose the translators say either are possible interpretations of the verses because otherwise they wouldn’t have written “their” in the first place.  This then means that the earth could have randomly produced animals based off of what God had initially seeded within it or that the earth generated animals according to certain templates that God had given it.  It’s all theoretical but it is an interesting thought to consider that the earth was imbedded with certain templates that it used put together the different types of animals somehow.  I hope I’m not perceived by the reader as ascribing some kind of independent consciousness to the earth, rather I think that this would have had to have happened in some kind of mechanistic way where like a computer that uses artificial intelligence is able to generate certain things so the earth may have been programmed to do something similar.

Conversely the difference between “their” and “its” may seem small and insignificant to us but it makes a world of difference when considering how certain philosophical approaches may integrate with Scripture.  Platonism is famous for its idea of there being perfect forms that serve as templates that the material world is based off of.  These perfect ideas could find their biological expression in an interpretation that sees the earth bring forth animals according to their kind.  God had a perfect idea of cattle for instance and programmed that template into the earth that then through some means produced many variations of cattle. 

Aristotle took the opposite approach by saying everything is unique and should be evaluated on its own terms.  And that classifications of organisms occur when people observe similar characteristics in separate individuals and in noticing those similarities create a name that can be used as a logical means for grouping these individual units into a coherent whole.  These names that we give for species, classes and so on allow us to speak to commonalities and trends within the group as a whole but are not indicative of transcendent pattern that they are modeled after.  This school of thought would take kindly to an interpretation that sees the earth bring forth animals according to its kind¹⁰.  Stating that while animals were brought forth in a way that can afterwards be grouped into common species that it wasn’t done according to some kind of perfect template¹¹.

But returning to the concept of how God created animals, while it very well could be a material cause that brought about animals it’s very possible that it is a type of material cause that is unknowable by us today because the earth we live with now seems to be very diminished to what it once was and as such taking the things we know about the earth today and then applying them backwards to piece together the distant past is likely not a reliable way of discovering this process.  And it again leads me to harp on another point that I don’t like about evolution.  Which is that it takes a thoroughly harsh understanding of life – mainly that strength, power and dominance were the factors that drove progress forward¹² – and presents that to us as our understanding of origins.  This led to all manner of darkness in political and social ideology that was fleshed out in the 20th century.  And even though most of social Darwinism has been repented of on a political level it still remains a part of the collective consciousness of the modern world.  This harsh, break-neck approach to life seems to be what people embrace when they are trying to be “real” and “sober”.  We make jokes about people who die from foolish mistakes as it being “natural selection” or wish to let “natural selection” take its course on people who do things that we think are unwise.  And forgive my soap box rant on this but comments like these are why I feel it’s so important to be outspoken in my critique of evolution.  Even though I believe that I can integrate an understanding of Darwinism with Scripture and do so in a way that doesn’t compromise anything theologically I can’t bring myself to take such a nihilistic, survivalist, selfish, me-and-mine against the world approach to life.  It is a dark pit and one that I cannot embrace.  And the fact that it doesn’t show in the fossil record and can’t be made to make sense through comparisons between similar animals is reason to reject it.  And it is my earnest prayer that society one day will reject this understanding of origins.


Lord I pray that love – the forgiving, compassionate, selfless ethic found in the life and teachings of Jesus – would be the formative narrative of our understanding of life.  Let society depart from this dark view of life that pits the strong against the weak.  By Your mercy renew society’s understanding of origins oh God.  In Jesus’ Name.



¹This doesn’t mean that I think that animals should be treated cruelly.  I love animals but even a dog lover like myself who has had many pets would never treat a person the same way we treat dogs.

²I am thankful that in our day atheists believe in human rights.  But while I am grateful that this is the case, I must admit that I don’t see an adequate reason to believe this in their philosophy.  It seems that they just simply state that this is true with no real explanation as to “why”.  Which again is better than saying it’s not true but makes secular humanism a very fragile worldview because it is not prepared to answer the question, should it ever be strongly posited, of why humans are so valuable.

³For a full explanation see the post Let the Earth BringForth Animals

⁴Which is what mainstream science says is the time gap between the Pre-Cambrian and the Cambrian I personally think that radiometric dating is suspect, and I plan to write about that later.  But my critique of dating systems in unnecessary in my critique of evolution.  Even with millions of years it is still very unlikely.

One can find much more about this in Stephen Meyer’s book Darwin’sDoubt. Another article about this can be found here:

Stephen Meyers book Darwin’s Doubt also has many examples of this

I am suspicious of Radiometric dating figures but don’t think my suspicion of this really changes anything.  One can believe in an old earth and take Genesis 1 literally or a young earth and take Genesis 1 literally.

This is also called “Realism”

This is called Nominalism

¹⁰Scripture states elsewhere that regardless of whether or not the earth was imbued with templates for the creation of certain types of animals that the idea of animals having unique “kinds” is a Biblical one – see Genesis 6:20.  This may be a trivial definition as it pertains to animals, but it is certainly an important one as it pertains to humans.

¹¹If one believed in Theistic Evolution he would also take kindly to “its” instead of “their”

¹²I don’t think there is any denying that these factors are in play today but Scripture gives us the possibility that our origins came from before the world had been corrupted by sin.  As such the earth’s creative power then may be very different compared to what it is today and therefore the variables that we see driving nature today may have been somewhat different during the 6 God Days of creation.


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