Perhaps the Most Profound thing ever uttered by a Human tongue

I see Matthew 18:7 as one of the most profound things ever uttered by a human tongue. Jesus of course is fully God and fully man so obviously it is to be expected that God would say and do profound things but the implication of what He said in this verse is perhaps the best explanation I have ever heard of the current state of the world and it’s attitude towards the Christian faith.

"*Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to the person through whom the stumbling block comes!*"  

-Matthew 18:7

Stumbling Blocks are intellectual, emotional, social and cultural inhibitors towards someone having faith in Jesus. They can range from having a bad experience with church when you were younger towards thinking that faith in an invisible deity is foolish and only suitable for emotionally unstable people. We all understand that such sentiment exists but it becomes a different thing entirely when we consider that God - the Architect of Existence - has designed the world in such a way that Stumbling Blocks are not only permitted to exist but are necessary.

No direct explanation is given as to why the same God who sees those who have walked away from Him as lost coins of great value (Luke 15:8-10) would also declare that the circumstances that would cause someone to walk away not only be permitted but are in fact built into the Design. One is left only to speculate based on what we know about God and the things He values to piece together a reason for why He would have put this in His plan.

I believe the answer to this mystery is found in Hebrews 11:6 where we see that faith pleases God. Which is to say that the same God - the Being upon whom Existence is founded upon, the Fashioner of the Universe, the One who both transcends and is the basis for all human experience and reason can be affected in some way by our faith.

As such we see that the world has been put together in his way - that mankind would extend our proverbial arm and reach in faith for God.  And it is that reach. That movement of the heart. That hidden longing and hunger that moves Him.

I want to move You afresh oh God


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