Contending for More

God delivering me from Covid seems to have been the turning point in my recovery.  Not only was I spared the harder aspects of the sickness like sore throat, fluid in the lungs, ect. But once the symptoms of fever and body aches lifted, I began to start to sleep deeply for 8 hours at a time.

This was a huge deal because sleep is a very important aspect of healing.  My lack of sleep was such an issue that my nurse had even suggested that I get back on narcotics so that I could sleep.  At least until my foot had healed some.

I was weary of this advice but it turned out that I didn’t need to take it because I now began to sleep deeply every night.

Along with that – and probably connected to it – my pain level started to reduce in my foot.  I began to taper of my medicine and was eventually completely off all pain medicine by mid to late September.

All of these things together brought me into a place in my mind where I started to seek God for more.  Not only that I would keep my toe, but that my toe would have full mobility and that it wouldn’t need a steel rod.

I was somewhat hesitant to do this because I was totally content with having a steel rod in my toe and being able to do something with it.  God didn’t owe me anything.  I’m a sinner to deserves Hell for eternity.  But I believe in a God who can do the impossible and I felt emboldened to pursue that reality following the breakthroughs I had just started to enjoy.

I texted my friend Prince about this because I knew him to be a man of faith who believed in miracles.

Prince and I met at our church and became close friends because of our mutual interests in Holy Spirit, prayer, theology, economics and just about everything.  One time we saw a bunch of men dressed up as monks walking around at a Beer Festival downtown.  Our hearts were provoked by these guys mocking the Gospel and making fun of these monks who had devoted their lives to seeking God, so we decided to do something about it.  We decided that if people who didn’t love God were going to dress up like monks and get wasted, making it appear that a bunch of drunk monks were walking through our downtown streets, then we were going to dress up as monks too, except we were going to preach the Gospel!

So, we bought monk costumes, put them on and headed to the festival.  When we got to the festival we started to realize that many were treating us respectfully – like we really were monks.  That seemed strange to us until we realized that the brewery we were in was having its alcohol provided for it by real monks.  It was at that moment that we realized that we had mistakenly confused real monks with irreverent drunkards and that we were in fact the sacrilegious ones who had dressed up like monks in a crowd full of Catholics!

Well this was a bit awkward, but we just decided to go with it and see what happened.  Many people who we talked to actually thought we were monks and we made sure to tell them that we weren’t but that we loved the monks and were doing this out of honor and respect (though I’m not sure how that would have made any sense to them).  I think if the music and the atmosphere hadn’t been so loud we might have gotten more sideways looks but I did manage to get a strange look from a guy when I told him I had a couple of kids.  I sure hope that there isn’t an actual monk in that monastery who looks like me or that could be quite the scandal 😊.

But God did some extraordinary things that day.  The prophetic seemed to flow so easily.  Towards the end I was talking with a guy and told him that I saw an image of an airplane and asked him if he was a pilot.  He said that he was and actually bought beers for both of us and had a conversation about God with us and his friend.  Few things are cooler than when the Lord opens up the secrets of the hearts of men and it was wild to see how God somehow honored our zeal for His Name even when we had our facts wrong.

Those were good times, and it was a say day when Prince and his wife Sidney moved away.


I had told Prince about everything I was going through on September 12th, and it was around then that I began to pursue the possibility of an even better toe by faith.  The next night while I was walking, I felt something that really stirred my faith.  I texted this to Price as well.

I was very encouraged.  In less than 7 days I was headed back to the doctor.  I still had the pins in my toes, but I was aware of the God who was carrying me through this and who would bring me all the way through.

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