You will stand Flat Footed and Preach the Gospel

I described in the previous chapter that I woke up on September 2nd in a lot of pain.  I thought this was due to the fact that I had just started walking on the ball of my foot and while it's likely that was a part of it, I was about to discover that there was another factor at play.

My nurse visited that morning and as she was doing her normal checkup – which involved checking my heart rate, breathing, temperature, etc. – she found that I had a 102-degree fever.  This level of fever would be a sign that I was sick under normal circumstances, but I was taking the maximum dose of Tylenol and Ibuprofen that a human is permitted to take in a day.  So to still have a 102 fever after taking all that medication was a red flag.

So instantly we thought it could be a sign of an infection in my foot.  The nurse even called my doctor to report this, because I would need to go back on antibiotics (I had taken them before each surgery) to fight the infection.  But right after she did this, she decided to give me a Covid test and lo-and-behold it turned out that I had Covid.

This was surprisingly a relief because I was concerned about the implications of getting an infection in my foot and what that could mean for the surgery I was waiting for.  But it nonetheless was still a virus that had a reputation for doing damage to people in a weakened physical state.

The thought of this didn’t bother me a ton but it was there to some degree in my mind.  I was more concerned about getting sick in my lungs and throat and having to be careful with my toe - which had two pins in it and could be damaged if I banged it against something in a coughing fit. Not being able to sleep well, the constant pain and emotional stress for the month before had really taken its toll on me so the thought of going through a bad flu-like virus on top of all of that was really unappealing.

The next day as I was ruminating on all this my phone started ringing and I saw that I had a call from one of my spiritual mentors named Apostle Robert Reed.  Apostle Reed is an incredible man of God who is very sensitive to Holy Spirit.  In 2016 my wife had been in a car crash while she was pregnant with our first son and 2 days after the accident he called us – with no knowledge of what had happened – and said that he felt that there was something going on with our family and that he felt prompted to pray for us.

So needless to say, when he called out of the blue that morning I was happy to hear from him.

After he said hello he asked me how I was doing, to which I replied, “I’ve been better.” He asked if he could have a moment and asked the Lord for a word for me.  He then said, “I hear the Lord saying that ‘You will stand flat-footed and preach the Gospel.”

My mind was blown.  He went on to say other things as well (which to be honest I don’t remember because I was so distracted by his first sentence) and after he was done I told him about all that I had gone through in the past month and a half.  The accident.  The three surgeries.  Now Covid.  I even told him about how I had been bitten by a snake in early July.

He said he would pray for me and got his whole church network praying for me.  I am so appreciative of him and the many others who prayed for me.  My wife’s church in Korea prayed for me, so did my extended family and many of their church’s.  My old pastor John Carroll also randomly called me during this time and he prayed for me and had the whole church praying for me as well.  Other friends were at services where injuries to the foot were called out by Word of Knowledge and they stood in for me and had the whole church pray.

I really believe this helped to bring about my miracle. 

After the call ended I was so pumped up about the word Apostle Robert had given me that I texted my brother stating that God was going to heal me of Covid saying “God is going to smite this thing like He smote the armies of Sennacherib.”

These words turned out to be true.  I felt the symptoms of Covid for a day and a half and then it lifted.  It was as if God had put a hook in its mouth (Isaiah 37:29) and said “No more.”

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