The Christian Vision of Sex and Family

Below are two posts where I attempt to discuss Sexuality and the Christian Faith from multiple angles.  The first post “The Christian Vision of Sex, Honoring those who Disagree and the Hope that we will one day understand each other” looks at this issue from a social and relational perspective. It discusses the Biblical Standards of Sexuality alongside the Biblical Understanding of the great value that God has given all people - even those who don’t believe in Christianity and don’t follow the faith. I hope in this post to articulate my desire for friendship and to show honor towards those who do not ascribe to my beliefs.

The second post “Loving Your Neighbor, Sexuality and not letting Grace be a License for Sin” goes into a fuller explanation of why the Christian Vision of Sexuality is an essential part of the faith itself. In this post I discuss that genuine faith will recognize that it is God’s prerogative to decide how those who follow Him should seek to live. It also considers this in the light of Grace and human weakness. It explores the fuller question that every serious follower of Jesus should ask his/herself - is my faith in Jesus truly genuine?


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